Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I have a skin cancer

I have a small bcc on my head in my hair. We had a free skin cancer check at work yesterday and the doctor found it. Am going to have it removed on Monday. Awesome!

Luckily it is the 'good' type of cancer not the bad type.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Seven bridges walk

This walk was 25 kilometres over seven bridges around the Harbour.

I started out at 9am and walked through six bridges and 18 kilometres.

It rained for the last three hours of the five hour walk and I was soaked through and every step was a squelchy experience.

My clothes and shoes are still wet!!

I am quite excited that I did 18 kilometres and am okay today with no blisters!



Hi everyone who is reading this blog, (which may be just

I have set up a website for donations.

Feel free to donate, or not, no pressure.


Thursday, October 22, 2009


By the way I am going to raise some money for the Breast Cancer Foundation for my walk.

Quote that I like

He who does not get fun and enjoyment out of every day … needs to reorganize his life. — George Matthew Adams

Katandra Reserve

Sunday 18th October


This walk was so quick, we thought it would be really hard but we did the 2800m up in about 45 minutes. Then the 1500m down in about twenty minutes.

We are going to come back and do Rumbalara Reserve to Katandra Reserve and back.

Not much to tell about this walk cause it was so quick!


Sunday, October 11, 2009

City to Surf route

We started out on Saturday 10th at 9am catching the bus into Oxford Street. We walked down to outside the Australian Museum and started at 9-30am. Past William Street, Kings Cross, Edgecliff, Double Bay, Rose Bay then the start of Heartbreak Hill.

Well Heartbreak Hill was a bit of a nonevent. Hardly even a hill!

Past Watsons Bay then down into Dover Heights, North Bondi then Bondi.

Three and a half hours in total, then we had lunch right on the beach and caught a taxi back to my place.

Gosh it was so different hiking in our sneakers compared to hiking in our boots. Boots must absorb alot more energy, cause at the end of the walk in our sneakers we were soooooo tired, our feet and legs were so sore.

Not much else happened on the weekend, I went to anaconda and got my thermals, two pairs of trousers, some socks, a rain jacket and a fleece. Bloody expensive business!


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Next walk

On 3rd October Katrinna and I were supposed to do the City to Surf walk, but it poured down the whole day so I did three hours on the treadmill instead.

4th October we met at Berowra train station at 10am, then set off down to Berowra Waters through the bush, 5.4kms straight down, it started to rain right at the end. We had an iced coffee then started back up the road. And up, and up and up. Five km's straight up the mountain.

Then two kms on the flat back to the station. But we didn't stop.

Oh and we found a mulberry tree and ate alot of

That was a hard walk. Oh and Katrinna had a leech in her sock that she didn't realise was there.


Goals - From my favourite blog - not my writing!

""Determine what is important to you. Money doesn’t bring happiness; pursuing goals and experiences that are aligned with our personal values brings happiness. How can you be sure your spending is aligned with your personal values? By setting goals. I’ve had great success using George Kinder’s three questions to crystalize what is important to me. This, in turn, helps me set meaningful goals.

Look forward, not back. Base your goals on the future, on what you want to accomplish, not on where you’ve already been. This forces you to think outside the box. Don’t worry about past failures. Concern yourself only with what you want to accomplish in the future.

Take one step at a time. It’s vital to break large goals into smaller ones. If you focus too much on the Big Picture, you may become intimidated and give up. You eat an elephant one bite at a time. So too with goals. Once I decided to pay off $35,000 in debt, I shifted my focus from the big number to the smaller steps along the way. I made incremental progress. If you’re pursuing a big goal, break it into small components.

Keep your goal in mind. One way to do this is to advertise to yourself, perhaps using the techniques described at Take Back Your Brain. Regularly remind yourself of why you’re doing the things you’re doing — but don’t obsess over the Big Picture.

Use an accountability partner. In June, GRS reader Kinley shared her system for meeting financial goals. She and her sister serve as accountability partners for each other. They’ve shared their current financial situation and future goals. Every month, they review their progress together. An accountability partner — whether sister, friend, or spouse — can help you keep on track.

Be patient. Progress toward your goal can seem slow at first, but will accelerate with time. Things will get easier. You’ll learn new techniques. You may receive support from unexpected sources. Together, these things will help to accelerate your success.

Don’t let setbacks derail you. It can be discouraging when your goal seems to have been thwarted. You save a $5,000 emergency fund only to have your car totaled by an uninsured driver. You start a new busines and a big-name competitor moves in down the street. You get your debt snowball rolling and your credit card company changes your terms. When setbacks happen, don’t give up. And if you make mistakes, just get back on the right track. Persevere.

The power of goals

Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too.
All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come his way.
I learned a deep respect for one of Goethe’s couplets: “Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it!”

William Hutchinson Murray

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Too true.

“Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are.”– Malcolm Forbes

Gosh it has been a while since I posted....

Is anyone reading this? I know Lana is!

So what has been happening...

I went camping on Cockatoo Island for Sarah's (not me) birthday, that was fun, although it was very cold and my sleeping bag zip broke and I had to tuck my sleeping bag in around me.

It is very pretty there and I will be going there for New Years Eve with eight other people.

I went to see Avenue Q on 1st September, gosh that was funny!

I had the Aussie Home Loans man over and he told me I could get a loan for $511,000- which is ridiculous.

I have looked at many many properties online and a few in person, and what you can get for your money is ridiculous

I have been doing altitude training in the gym at Fox Studios. It is really good.

I have been doing boxing on Mondays, Boot Camp on Wednesdays and Fridays, stair walking on Thursdays and supposed to be doing Yoga on Tuesdays but have been slacking off....

I saw Wicked on 12th September, it wasg reat but not really like the book. It had a musical ending.

Katrinna and I went for a walk on 19th September from Little Beach to Maitland Bay and back, gosh it was so hard. But I didn't complain and I was slow but steady. That is my mantra for Nepal.

Oh, we had Community Day at work on 24th September and then I went to Canberra on 25th on the bus to see Bec and Fraser. Bec is about five weeks away from giving birth.

It was very cold, down to one degree overnight and cold and rainy both days. But we had a lovely time catching up.

I sent my visa away for Nepal on Monday and got it back last night, so so quick, I was so impressed.

I also got my shots on Tuesday, gosh my arm is still sore and on Wednesday I had to cancel a boot camp class cause I couldn't move my arm.

And I think that brings us up to date. I have two walks this weekend and then two days off for the long weekend.